♥ HEART BEATS ~ OF HEAVEN ♥ 2.5.2011
Little worship rings brought forth through Holy Spirit creativity for this hour ♥
Throughout a season in the 'long dark night of the soul'... a betrothed one of the Lord had come into my life and began creating prophetic impressions about my life that only Father knew, through her hands of beautiful craft †At different divinely inspired times, each was offered to me as a gift from Him. They truly were His Heart-Beat towards me. One of them was a small heart shaped worship ring, which was aptly named ~ Receiving the Fathers Heart♥ And that's exactly what this hand crafted ~ heart inspired worship instrument did. Somehow, some way....it began to 'sing' over me songs of Love & Deliverance { Zephaniah 3:17}. Actually, everywhere we went, the Fathers Heart was released during prophetic worship & adoration to Beloved† As a very broken & wounded vessel I did not know it at the time, but these types of instruments made through anointed hands actually become a spirit song, sung to the one intended for. As with all things Father creates.... each is appointed by Holy Spirit, birthed through intercession and compassion♥ then sent forth to do what He anoints them to do. †Please..... They are not things seen & copied for selfish gain, promotion or association †
The Bride of Christ is being awakened to her true destiny at this hour. She must have His heart beat to flourish as Bridegroom intends. Oneness is of the utmost importance. And when we become One with another ~ Our hearts also beat, as One†♥ For many years I've looked for the templates to make these hearts and found none♥ or they were not affordable. Then while preparing to attend a recent Conference named "Heart-beat of Heaven for 2011, He brought these forth. They will be a regular offering here as His Love is the foundation for this entire vision † His ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts, yet He amuses me bringing this forth during Valentines day festivities approaching. Bless each of you so much ~ His Love 2 you!!!♥♥♥
Link to a Poem from 2005 "Heart Beat Of Heaven"
Each of these has been fashioned from His heart with hands of earth † They are priced as He gives, and not for the time it takes to create them. Each are absolutely ONE OF A KIND.
While you certainly may request a Heart Beat of your impression or one that has already been released, no 2 will or can ever be the same !! * at left of name is available†
Thank you for this blessing of your Heart Daddy †
Heart Beat of Purity & Victory ~ you cannot separate them.
* J. Upton Ministry credit for song word phrase~
Released to a Beautiful Young Lady In Christ, May she carry it's message to her generation †
Heart Beat of Intimacy ~ $72.00 ~ Sold
Ezek. 16:8, Song 3:2, 8:6, Rev. 22:4
John 13:25 ~ He reveals his secrets to his true lovers †
*Heart Beat of His Locked Garden ~ $54.00
Genesis 2:15, Song 4:12-16 & 6:2-3, Is. 51:3
*Heart Beat of Victory ~ $55.00
1Chron. 29:11-12, Psalm 98:1, Is. 25:8, 1 Cor. 15:57, 1John 5:4, Rev. 15:2
*Heart Beat of Holy Fire ~ $47.00
Song 8:6, Ezekiel 1:4, Zec.2:5, Rev. 1:14
* Heart Beat of Creativity ~ $60.00
Genesis 1:1, Colossians 1:16, Psalm 104:30
Heart Beat of Intercession ~ Sold~ $67.00
Romans 8:26-27, 34 ~ Hebrews 7:25 ~ 1Tim. 2:1
Heart Beat of Abundant Life ~ Sold $55.00
John 10:10
Heart Beat of Faithful & True ~ $50.00 ~ Released/Sold
Hebrews 11:11, Psalm 40:10, 89:2,5,8,33, Isaiah 25:1 Hosea 2:20
Heart Beat of a Locked Garden ~ Sold $77.00
Song of Songs 4:12
Heart Beat of Mercy ~ $54.00 ~ Sold
Psalm 18:25, 103:8, Ps. 136, Matthew 5:7, Jude 21
Heart Beat of His Passion ~ $40.00 ~ Sold
Psalm 31:23, Matthew 22:37, Luke 10:27, John 14:15, 15:13, Acts 1:3,
Heart Beat of Purity ~ Sold ~ $58.00
Heart Beat of Redemption ~ Sold ~ $66.00
Ruth, Esther, Psalm 107:14, Isaiah 62:12, Lamentations 3:58, 1Peter 2:9, Revelation 5:9
Heart Beat of Righteousness ~ Sold ~ $60.00
Psalm 9:8, 33:5, 37:6 50:6, 71:19, 72:2, Isaiah 54:17, 1 Corinth. 1:30, Revelation 19:8
Heart Beat of True Love ~ Sold ~$33.00
Because He did it for Father....
Heart Beat of Victorious Warrior ~ Sold ~ $80.00
Exodus 15:1-21 & Revelation 15:3 { 15 is the number of Rest, it is 5 + 10 which is grace increased}
Just noting the chapter #'s one in the beginning of the book and one at the end †
There will always be more of His heart beats..... coming soon ♥
Prophetic Worship Instruments are a visual declaration & spiritual release of Gods' intentional purposes into the atmosphere† Birthed through Holy Spirit each one along with you, becomes a vibrating song in His Truth & Light according to His word, Anointing & Will that He places in each instrument. We influence the atmosphere through divinely inspired colors, symbols & embellishments infusing vibratory exchanges that become our true weapons of warfare. John 4:23-24
Angels are watching to bring forth His Oneness with you!!! So abandon yourselves in adoration and forget the performance†♥
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