† Hebrews 4:12 Oil †
Created by Holy Spirit to assist in preparing the spiritual womb for birthing......
day while journaling, Father surprised me with something I had
asked about some time ago. The question had been, "Father, is
there a blend for L.OV.E. & COMPANY?" He answered some months
later giving blend of oils in the order you see here, and with
good reason. Of a truth, everything Papa does is with good reason,
yes ~amen †
The prophetic symbolism of this oil is to restore the
creative-heavens DNA - womb in His body. By design & order,
each oil symbolizes an area of necessary redemption so that His
original purpose for you can be expressed.
Oil of Joy ~ Death to self & its motives.
Pomegranate ~ Rooted & grounded in His love.
Cedar ~ Strength through intimacy.
Cinnamon ~ Holiness through oneness.
Frankincense ~ Absolute purity.
Almond ~ Spirit filled Life & Power.
Amber ~ Glory & Fire of His encapsulate presence.
Grape seed oil ~ Carrier Oil, fruit of the vine, He is the Vine we
are the branches.
Artwork on the bottle was given to me a long time ago by Him &
kept in my heart. Some years later, while describing it to a
sister-artisan, she said, "I see it!!!..." Blessed
enough, she sketched it & felt led to add to scripture verse
Hebrews 4:12.
He impressed the artwork & scripture to the oil during its
final blending & that is how the name came for it as well.
Art/Trademark , above left, represents:
Heart of God ~ His inexpressible Love ~ God IS Love.
Crown of Thorns ~ Surrendering humility of all Father gives.
Double Edge Sword ~ Word of God which divides the intents &
motives of the heart from flesh & spirit.
A tiny cross sits inside the breast of the Sword by design.
In these things, we become vessels of His divine use & live in
the canopy of His glory because.......we continually surrender all
to Him†
Many graceful bows to my quiet friend, without whose help &
prayers this oil would not have come forth, I love you♥
And I love you Holy Spirit ~ You are my very best forever friend & mid-wife †
As of December 12 2023 a some of the oils to blend this have become rare. It is with regret that the price is raised and are no longer offering the 1 oz bottle. If only by Special request ♥
Thank you for understanding
1 Oz. $48.00
/ NA
1/2 Oz. $24.00 / $30.00
in 2024
1/8 Oz. $8.00
/ $15.00 in 2024
A small card is provided with the details above
so you may thoughtfully ponder using this oil †
Please see order form for tax & shipping ♥
Copyright © L.O.V.E. & Company™ All Rights
Reserved, 2005-2025 †